By now most architecture firms have their own sophisticated websites, usually costing $ tens of thousands to create and manage, not to mention the employees needed to maintain blogging and social sharing. Because of this perceived cost, many small and mid-sized practitioners either still have not created a site, or are using sites made long ago (Internet 1.0 or 2.0) that don’t have the modern look and feel that inspires confidence in clients. That’s the bad news.
The good news is that new website design and hosting services like make it absurdly easy and affordable to get a clean, modern-looking website up and running by yourself, or with minimal help from someone with experience.
Below are pages from a recent site I helped create for Jones Architecture in NYC. Stewart Jones has worked on some of the most prestigious cultural projects in NYC during his enviable 30-year career, and the professional photos he displays certainly reinforce the point (yes, you do need to start hunting down your best photos, like, now)
The home page of new site created for Jones Architecture, NYC
…featuring beautiful photographs (credited on site) of Jones’ superb work.
Working together we were able to create this site in a matter of days, not weeks, and the site now serves its primary function as calling card and overview of work for every client researching Stew’s firm from this day forward.
If you need to get on top of things and update your own site, or learn more about SEO and the strategies and benefits of social sharing, or create a bold new calling card of your own in the information age, give us a call. The good news: cost is no longer a factor, and doing it now, instead of “tomorrow,” means you will never again have to hear the words, “Rats, I wish I’d known about your work yesterday!?”

(Author James Akers is a registered architect and architectural illustrator with over 25 years experience. His YouTube Procreate tutorial channel has thousands of subscribers (please join us!), and he provides both in-house and studio-based sketching, rendering—what one might call "design stenography" services—to many of NYC's and Boston’s leading architects.)