I'm helping my friends Maria Nation and Molly Boxer promote a great upcoming fundraising event at the Berkshire Botanical Garden.
Five top NYC & Berkshire-based designers are going to each design a garden shed, starting with the same standard prefab design and transforming it into something fantastic. At the end of the event the designs will be available for purchase. Its still early, so none of the designers has committed 100% to a design, but Maria and Molly thought it might be fun to get their members and newsletter readers thinking about sheds by asking "what kind of shed would you design if you could do (almost) anything?" I was recruited to provide a sketch of a design for their newsletter, but I convinced them (after several mimosas each) that it might be fun to expand the scope and help readers imagine what a typical designers' design process might be like. Since most designers I know start with "what's been done before," here's a link to about 40 great shed images available on the web, and a scribble of my own, below. I won't be (sniff) doing one this year (sniff, sniff) but I hope you enjoy anyway.